Timothy Goetz
November 2014
Acute Care for the Elderly (ACE)
Aurora Sinai Medical Center
United States




When I first got admitted to ACE, Tim was someone who really cared about me and what I was going through. With my new diagnosis, I felt overwhelmed and didn't really understand exactly what was going on despite the explanations of the physicians. I was terribly upset and all I could think about was my children and that this couldn't possibly be happening to me. I thought about not being there for my children and all those other crazy thoughts that go through your mind when you really don't understand what's going wrong with you.

Tim picked up right away my level of anger and got eye level with me to hear my concerns and asked how he could help. It was an instant relief; Tim began to explain everything from my first symptoms that brought me to the hospital, to the results of my tests and everything dealing with my diagnosis. Tim stayed calm, caring and respectful while explaining everything so that I could understand. He even drew pictures of my heart to help me better understand. He checked on me frequently and was never too busy to answer my questions.

I was discharged on 9/13/2014. Later that night I began to have some of the same stroke like symptoms as before, so I thought to call Tim at the hospital. While speaking with him he told me to call 9-1-1 right away. After getting admitted to the hospital on 9/14/2014, I had Tim as my nurse. Even though I was scared, I knew I was in the right place with the best nurse to take care of me. I couldn't say enough about Tim and how grateful I am to have him as my nurse at such a horrible, stressful time.

This may be weird but I love Tim for being in my life, he is such a special nurse.