Tiana Markle
December 2018
5 Memorial
Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute
United States




Tiana cares. I struggle a lot with family issues and she provides a listening ear and tries to help and give advice. Even when there really isn't an answer to be given. She takes the time to let me vent and acknowledges my feelings are valid. When my pain or depression is too bad to leave my room, she will come to me and is always encouraging. Even on days she does not feel 100%, she does not let it really show or give us patients anything less than her best. I get so happy when I see her face at the med window in the morning. She is always smiling and cheerful. Even when she is not my staff person, she will still go out of her way to make sure I am ok and give me all of the time I need to talk if I don't feel comfortable talking to my staff person or if they are busy. She has made a huge positive impact on my time here at PPI and a nurse I will not soon forget. Thank you!