April 2015
South Clinic Family Medicine
United States




Teryl is a preceptor in our department. She is patient and kind in directing the new nurses as she orients them to our unit. She answers questions with ease and does not make us feel flustered even when we are learning. She is able to lead us through EPIC and show us ways to make workflows better within the department. She frequently emails out things as she learns them, so we can all be better prepared.

Patients truly appreciate her as she educates them on the many calls we make daily. Teryl is able to speak to patients on all levels and is able to deliver the information given to how the patient learns best. She is always willing to take on whatever the task may be- upset patients, sad patients, etc. She has cried with patients and laughed with them too.

Teryl has been working with a provider in providing care for a homeless patient with cancer. They have worked out a system to get him smaller supplies of medication so he does not have to worry about getting it stolen. They have also taken turns providing him with small amounts of food as they are able. Many employees are in collaboration in getting help for him. This is just one of the ways to show she advocates for her patients. She is the first to go to our providers with concerns from our patients. She thinks outside the box (but still within her scope of practice) as to how to get them the medical care they need.


I will never forget Teryl sat down with a patient who was confused about all his medications. She went through all of them, educating him on how and when to take each one and what each medication was treating. The patient was very grateful and at ease with knowing how to take his meds.

Teryl is the first nurse to respond in any sort of urgent situation that happens in our department. She is an outstanding nurse in both knowledge and training. She answers all questions and if she doesn't know the response she will continue searching until she finds the answer.

We are truly fortunate to have Teryl as a part of our team.