Tara Byrne
September 2019
Orange Regional Medical Center
United States




Tara Byrne is an undeniable asset to the CDA team and her patients. Regardless of how busy her day is she is always asking her coworkers if they need anything and willing to jump right in and help out without hesitation. Tara also has a great sense of humor and never fails to greet us with a smile or a song. As a charge nurse, she is organized, efficient and always proactive in utilizing the CDA pull to full process. She is an unwavering advocate for her patients, sometimes making multiple calls to physicians to ensure the best outcomes for her patients. I have had the privilege on many occasions to overhear patients and their families talk about how great of a nurse Tara is. Sometimes it's the little things that can make a patient's stay at the hospital more bearable. Tara is known for drinking tea and always brings her own supply of Barry's tea bags. One day she had a patient who also shared her love of this particular tea and without hesitation offered to make her a cup of Barry's tea. One day, our shift was over and we were getting ready to leave, the night shift nurse noted a sudden onset of confusion on a patient Tara had given her report on. She accompanied the nurse back into the room and confirmed the change in mental status. In true Tara fashion, she then called a rapid response and stayed to not only provide moral support to the nurse but also to be a familiar face to the patient she has cared for in a room full of unfamiliar faces.