Tami Griffin
April 2017
Primary and Specialty Medicine
St. Cloud VA Health Care System
St. Cloud
United States




Over the Christmas holidays, I became ill with a serious bout of the flu complicated by an enlarged prostate that also left me unable to urinate. This required a catheter for about two weeks which caused internal bladder bleeding. Urology was closed for the holidays with appointments at least one month out. The catheter kept clotting due to bleeding and I needed emergency help. Tami was always available by phone even though I know at times she was not on duty. She was courteous, extremely informative, and knowledgeable as to what to do regarding directions on emergency care. She was always available by phone and if not, was responsive with return calls regarding what to do. This was extremely helpful and comfortably reassuring since I have never been through anything like that before. You will never know how much I appreciated her help. I am deeply grateful. I am fine now and Tami was great!