Suze Fleharty
February 2019
Denver Health
United States




We had a patient in his 90s who came to be here via a bus from New Mexico. Once here, he was found to have capacity, but not enough to leave on his own. There was concern that he would get lost and not be able to navigate his way back home. After being here for an extended period of time, and multiple date changes, Suzey, bought this gentleman some "traveling clothes" with her own funds. Additionally, she volunteered to fly to New Mexico as his companion and made sure he made it to his front door, had groceries, and address any other needs he might have. What an extraordinary nurse. I'm honored to work with Suzey. She exemplifies hat a nurse is capable of, and what Denver Health is all about. She made a lasting difference in this man's life. That's remarkable, and at the same time very much a daily occurrence for her. I want her to be my nurse!