Susan Winn
January 2018
BayCare Ambulatory Surgery Centers - Trinity Surgery Center
United States




In January a teenage patient and his mom presented at BayCare Surgery Center for orthopedic surgery. The patient had fallen and broken his wrist. The patient was covered for ambulatory services under a Medicaid plan.
Sue Winn was assigned the patient and in preparing the patient for surgery Sue noticed the patient was reed thin, wearing threadbare nylon shorts and was quite dirty. In the course of conversation with the mom, it was disclosed that the child had limited options for clothing to wear, the family had no running water at the house, there was another much younger child at home, and the family's financial situation was quite distressing.
Upon reviewing the facility paperwork, Sue took note of the home address and recognized the area as one that was economically challenged and underserved. The next day Sue asked if she could spearhead a "donation" box for this family. Sue wished to secure donations from among facility staff and hoped her intended activity would not violate any BayCare policy.
With the go-ahead-to gather given, Sue Winn quietly rallied the entire surgery center staff to secure donations for this family in need. She has gathered clothes, food items, toys, water, toiletries, etc... basic items that most people take for granted and don't think twice about not having. Sue Winn is delivering the boxes of donations she has gathered for this family on Valentine's Day with the message... "From our heart to yours."