February 2012
Nursing Float Pool
Providence Queen of the Valley Medical Center
United States




Picture: left to right
Paula Willems, Sharon Harris, Susan Conwell, Delia Adams, Amy Samolis, Stephanie Hayes
Susan demonstrates excellent clinical skills but she also has a heart of gold and I am so proud to be working as part of her team at the Queen.
Susan showed respect and established a memorable connection with the patient who was dying, and his family. One example of many was when the patient became unresponsive and family members were calling. Susan held the telephone up to his ears so his family members who couldn’t come in could voice their good byes. This act was able to give the family closure. Susan advocated for the patient during his illness by routinely checking the PCA was keeping his pain under control. She often visited this gentleman and also once he became unresponsive she still spoke kind words of peace and encouragement to him. This is one of many reasons why I think Susan is an extraordinary nurse.