March 2013
Ambulatory Surgery
Northern Westchester Hospital
Mount Kisco
United States




Stephanie was pre-oping an elderly gentleman who was well known to our staff. He was not the usual patient, his wife was and she had a history of Alzheimer's. He was her primary caregiver. This gentleman was having shoulder surgery. As Stephanie was preparing him for surgery, it became obvious that he was an above the knee amputee. Stephanie inquired about his plans for post-op assistance. He talked about his son helping out and stated that an aid was currently staying with his wife.
By chance, Stephanie was also this gentleman's post-op nurse. In preparing him for discharge, the man stated that he was taking a taxi home. When asked about his son, he stated that his son was busy and he didn't want to bother him. He stated that he had to get home to his wife before the aid left. Stephanie explained that his plan was unsafe for him and his wife and he allowed her to call his son. The son was unaware of the situation and agreed to come pick up his father, but was unable to come until later in the day. The man became agitated again worrying about his wife and insisting that he had to get home to her.
Stephanie was going off duty. She spoke with the son again and then with the aid. The aid agreed to stay with the couple until the son arrived. Stephanie drove the gentleman home.