Stephanie Melcher
October 2018
Healthcare Clinic at Walgreens
United States




Stephanie sets the standard of extraordinary patient care every day and is an excellent clinician!
The following is only one example but demonstrates how Stephanie truly saved one patient's life. This gentleman presented to the clinic complaining of a sore throat and seeking treatment for an upper respiratory condition. His history included a heart attack one year prior to this appointment.
Stephanie was very concerned about the patient's low blood pressure and skin color. She advised the patient that she thought he was having symptoms related to his heart and called 911. When the paramedics arrived, they told the patient he probably had the flu and should go home, drink lots of liquids and rest.
Not assuaged, Stephanie advised the patient and his wife she was convinced his symptoms were cardiac in origin and implored his wife to take him to the emergency department. She provided a referral to the ED and gave the wife her cell phone number to report back the outcome.
The next day, the patient's wife called Stephanie and said, "you saved my husband's life." The patient was still in the ICU following placement of four coronary stents for an evolving myocardial infarction.
The hospital physicians told the patient and his family that if he had been treated for a cold and failed to come to the ED, he likely would have died.
It took courage and confidence to override instructions from a team of paramedics and adhere to her clinical judgment. For this reason and more, for all she does and all she benefits; patients, colleagues, and the company, Stephanie deserves this recognition.