June 2013
Cardiology Department, North Clinic
United States




I cannot profess loudly enough the wonderful qualities that Stephanie brings to our department. Stephanie is first and foremost, a patient advocate and fantastic provider. She is concerned about all aspects of the patient's care from maintaining an appropriate medication regimen, ability to pay for the medications (she is leading a committee on how to get Tikosyn and Xeralto- very expensive meds for our patients upon discharge), obtaining access to an appointment when appropriate and following up on questions and phone calls- she covers all the bases. Stephanie truly believes her- yes, HER- patients are her first priority. She demonstrates accountability for their care and safety.

Education, her own and education for the patients, is also high on Stephanie's list of "must haves". She is in a NP program at this time. She will spend as much time as is necessary to educate her patient and the patient's family. She has taken an interest in the spiritual and emotional health of the patient who has an AICD. This is a known phenomenon but, one that we have overlooked in cardiology. Stephanie has championed obtaining education materials for these patients for their review.

As the "go to" person in our department Stephanie can make things happen. It is not possible for her to sit idle for even a moment. She is the master of multi-tasking and can make the office efficient and fun.