Sofia Melledis
May 2016
Adult Psychiatry
Mount Sinai West
New York
United States




Sofia exemplifies caring and compassion by asking me about my overall wellness (not just when she's administering medication) throughout the day. Her warm smile and genuine empathy have really helped my healing and recovery! She does this for all her patients.
Nurses are always busy (especially Nurse Managers); it's the nature of the job. Never the less, whenever I have asked for assistance with anything, she's never brushed me off or told me to return later. A matter of fact, she does the opposite. Sophia will help me immediately of find an available staff person to help me. She is always approachable and always has a positive attitude, always. I see this in the way she treats the staff, patients and visitors in the 7G unit.
Sofia takes the time to say positive words and encourage her patients to participate to make good decisions about their wellness. It's not unusual for her to point out any improvement she notices. Sophia encourages her patients to continue the practices that lead to wellness. For example, she'll remind her patients to take medication even when they are leaving the hospital and to follow the instructions of their assigned physicians.
Even my family members noticed and applauded her positive disposition and professionalism.