Sirirug Suksalee
October 2018
Ward 9 Bone Marrow Transplant Unit
Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital




Patients receiving bone marrow transplant treatment or those who have encountered Nurse Sirirug Suksalee have told stories of how she shows support, empathy, and compassion towards them and their family members. For example, even after her working hours, if the patients have questions or concerns, Nurse Sirirug was always willing to assist the patients and family the best she could. She was assigned as the case manager for many patients due to her capability as a nurse and her excellent bedside manner showing how human touch will always surpass technology. Throughout her years of working here, Nurse Sirirug has received numerous praises from the patients and their families. Never once had she received a complaint from apatient.
Caring for a person holistically means caring for someone's physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being as well as their loved ones. Nurse Sirirug is a role model for nurses who sacrifice themselves for their patients. One family member was facing a hard time with their dying loved one. Instead of requesting for the doctor to provide an explanation, she requested that Nurse Sirirug be the one providing the information because of her trust in Nurse Sirirug's goodwill nature. Her colleagues have all praised her for her professionalism and caring attitude for the patients. Nurse Sirirug is considered one of the most caring nurses among her peers. Her positive attitude and willingness to help the others have shaped her to become an amazing angel for the hospital.