Simplicio Garcia
May 2018
Neuro ICU
Harborview Medical Center, UW Medicine
United States




Sim is a fantastic coworker and a huge asset to our unit. Sim always starts his day greeting everyone with a "good morning". He is a positive, happy person which is contagious to the unit. He will always ask how you are and remembers the names of the people in your family. Sim is kind and compassionate to patients and their families. He is supportive and understanding in the most stressful times. Families appreciate his kindness and knowledge, which immediately gains their trust. He takes time to get to know the person in the bed. He listens to the families' concerns and needs and is sincere and genuine. There have been countless patients and families who come back months later to visit Sim, celebrating their accomplishments of healing thanking him for his kindness and care. The unit can be a hectic place, one-minute patients are stable and the next minute things can get a little chaotic. In all the chaos Sim is a leader remaining calm under pressure.
Recently on the unit, we were short a nurse, extremely busy with no downtime. Sim jumps right in, anticipating the needs of the unit, making the day fun even though it is difficult. Halfway through the day, Sim's patient (who has been the most stable) goes into SVT. Sim quickly and quietly assembles the team of doctors, I come out of my room and here comes Sim whisking the code cart down the hall with a smile on his face and says, "Time for a little ACLS we are going to learn about Adenosine and cardioverting!" I chuckle at Sim's matter of fact attitude. He is delightful to work with.