Sheila Harrison
October 2019
Family Birth Center
UNC Lenoir Health Care
United States




Recently in the FBC, we had a couple who were planning to marry before the delivery of their baby. Unfortunately, the pregnant mother became sick and had to be hospitalized just three days before her wedding. This was devastating to the couple. It was very important to them to be married before the arrival of their bundle of joy.
Shelia, hearing this, went to work to make their wishes come true. She got to work immediately making a veil from recycled tool, bouquets, and boutonnieres from recycled flowers. A dress was even made to resemble a wedding dress for the bride herself. Sheila helped other team members on the floor make this wedding happen. Shelia went above and beyond to help these new families' dreams come true.
This is just one example of how dedicated and caring Shelia is. She is our nursery guru. If we have a concern, she can usually help us find our solution. She loves and prays for each baby that comes through our nursery. She has also created a gift for each of our mothers through donations from staff, churches, and a grant. This gift includes essentials for all newborns and their mothers. These gift bags are wrapped beautifully with a big pink or blue ribbon denoting if it is for a boy or girl and a card is attached with a message about being a new mom. Shelia creating this gift for us to give has been a great surprise for our patients. She is always willing to help everyone no matter what. Shelia is truly a beacon of light.