Sheena Pimentel
October 2017
L1 Mental Health
VA Long Beach Healthcare System
Long Beach
United States




A compassionate human being andan exceptional healer. When I complained about not receiving enough food, she called the dietitian repeatedly to get me an appointment. She called all day! Her undivided attention to her patients makes them feel important. She smiles genuinely saying that she cares and often leads other nurses and staff to action. Despite her small size, she is a true leader. Her desire to always be the best is and should be an inspiration to all medical staff at the VA. Her uniform is always pressed professionally yet she shoes a humorous human side through an anime pin affix close to her heart. She stops whatever she is doing to help me, no matter how trivial. Nurse Sheena is a credit to herself and the VA by keeping the finest tradition of service and healing. Thank you, Sheena!
Sheena demonstrates all the PETALS principles. I will hopefully explain the dedication Sheena does every day within the L1 unit.
P for Passion/Compassion - No matter how disturbed I or another patient in the L1 unit Sheena never judges or takes any privileges from patients due to her compassion to make the worst situation brighter for any patient, including myself.
E for Empathy - The time I remember when she demonstrated this principle is when I brought up a concern about taking a shower before I attended a group at 1400 hrs. Even though showers are scheduled at 0500 hours and 1600 hours she made sure I was able to shower.
T for Teamwork and Trust - She demonstrated this principle many times by taking charge no matter her assignment. I witness Sheena multitasking and doing other duties on top of her assigned duty.
A for Admiration - She has demonstrated this principle with one of the patients in the L1 unit.
L for Love - Sheena demonstrated this principle by her enthusiasm for her nursing profession due to her motivation to make the patients in L1 more comfortable no matter what circumstances.
Sheena is an awesome registered nurse due to her humble personality.
I would like to recognize Sheena. I am the type of person where the little things matter. From changing the board on who is in charge of what to always smiling. When I first arrived here I was a jerk and all the staff tolerated me and I don't blame them for being annoyed by me, it's only human. They all said it's okay, but I felt horrible for doing so. She was always helpful with whatever I needed and made me feel safe. Here's the catch though, she stood out the most for me because she made me feel safe. I would like to apologize for any actions to the whole team in the bottom of my heart thank you for everything you do. You're amazing!