August 2020
MountainView Hospital




That afternoon Shannah offered to use her phone so I can FaceTime with him. My husband was smiling, knew who I was, and told me he loved me.
I am particularly grateful for a nurse named Shannah who cared for my husband recently. When I called on that day, Shannah was concerned about him not eating. She asked me what he might eat for breakfast as he refused the eggs and she told me I could deliver lunch to him at the security desk. Due to COVID, we were not able to visit him. That afternoon Shannah offered to use her phone so I can FaceTime with him. My husband was smiling, knew who I was, and told me he loved me. It was the last conversation I ever had with him and the last time I saw his wonderful smile. He passed away a week later after he was moved to the hospice. Thank you Shannah for giving me the gift of one last smile and one last "I love you."