Sarah Battaglia
February 2019
Forbes Hospital
United States




I met your nurse Sarah. I thought what a perfect people/patient interacting partner she is. A team player to say the least. She not only was observed carrying her own assignment but also volunteering to assist her co-workers with their challenging duties. Sarah is a natural leader with the attitude of a leader and does her job efficiently, professionally and in a timely manner. She never seems to be at a loss or hesitant to assist in any way with any patient whether assigned to them or not. I commend her for this.
When I was experiencing a severe headache and sleeplessness, she even was willing and attempted to contact the doctor. She reached out for a true explanation to give me. I appreciated that. Sarah is a definite team player who can be trusted to do her share and more. She has an instant likeable and magnetic aura around her and would be ideally valuable in a calming needed environment. I liked her instantly.