Sandra Elliot
December 2017
NCH Healthcare System
United States




I had been a patient in NCH for a week, being treated for two falls and Atrial Fibrillation. A pacemaker was inserted and I was promised release early on Thanksgiving Day. My wife had invited nine friends for a big Thanksgiving dinner at 3:00 pm. At 10 am, Nurse Sandra came to my room and asked what I needed. I needed another CAT Scan and a visit from the Hospitalist. Sandra got on the phone and set up the CAT scan. She also called the on-call Hospitalist. About 11 am, the Hospitalist appeared and said that it would take about three hours to complete the paperwork for my discharge. Sandra said, "let's make it happen in an hour!" At noon, Sandra appeared with all the papers to sign. At 12:15 she wheeled me to the front door where my neighbor waited to take me home. Sandra was extremely helpful in advocating for my needs. She was personable, professional, caring, and well aware of how to put a patient first. Sandra made my hospital stay end on a very positive note. She really is an extraordinary nurse!