Ronnel Leones
July 2017
Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center
United States




Ronnel Leones is a dedicated, caring and compassionate nurse. Ron actively listens to the patients, their families and supports their treatment decisions. As an ICU nurse, he responds to all codes (code blue, code assist and rapid response) and emergent situations needed for patients throughout the hospital. He works collaboratively with the nurses to stabilize and facilitate patient transfers to the ICU for the best patient outcomes.
At the end of one of his shifts, Ron had completed giving report and was ready to leave for the day. A code blue call rang out and rather than going home for the evening, he responded and chose to assist his colleagues with stabilizing the patient. Ron's selflessness and dedication to the profession is well known to all who work with him.
Ron treats all patients and their families with dignity and care. One instance involves him preparing a patient's body for the family's viewing. The patient passed away unexpectedly and the body was sent to the morgue. Policy does not allow the removal of a patient's body from its location after placement. He took the initiative to confirm the coroner's case status in order to optimize the patient presentation to the family and also performed the decedent care in the morgue. Although the passing was devastating news to the family, the care provided by Mr. Leones was exemplary. The family was able to visit their loved one without additional grief and trauma. Ron's compassion and thoughtfulness were truly appreciated by the family.
Ronnel Leones epitomizes all that a DAISY nurse should be!