Rikki Weaver
September 2020
Medical Oncology
Parker Adventist Hospital
United States




We had a young 39 year old female admitted to our oncology unit with a cervical cancer diagnosis. This patient had previously undergone chemotherapy with us and became really close with several of our nurses and CNAs. The last time she was readmitted because of all the horrible side effects related to the chemotherapy used to fight off the cancer cells. She needed multiple units of blood, platelets, antibiotics, fluids, anti-nausea medication, and pain meds. She was very sick at the time of her admission. Rikki went above and beyond for her patient by bringing in her own hair clippers from home to shave the patient's head. She wanted the patient to know she wasn't alone in her journey. Rikki took the time to support the patient and help her along the way as she lost her hair due to the chemotherapy. The kindness put a huge beautiful smile on the patient's face after they were finished. Rikki has a presence about her that speaks to getting jobs done without being asked. She is calm under pressure and she is able to make her patients laugh and smile no matter what is going on.