Rena Alviso
June 2013
Kaiser Permanente Redwood City Medical Center
Redwood City
United States




I am normally an active 75 year old woman. I was recently admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and trouble breathing. I had not been previously hospitalized in well over 40 years.

Upon being assigned to my room, I met Rena Alviso, R.N. My first impression was one of a calm demeanor; smiling and encouraging. When she was entering my information on the Whiteboard attached to the wall in my room, she queried as to what I considered to be a most important aspect of my hospital care. I replied, "Communication". Apparently, Rena and I agreed for she was explicit regarding every facet of my "program".

I was aware that Rena was routinely and systematically addressing the regimen that had been implemented for my care, but it was what went on beyond that, that was so impressive. She worked so well with her CNA. They were very much a team. Care and compassion along with the occasional touch of humor were evident to me throughout Rena's shifts (2 days). Happily, there were no emergencies and no traumas. Rena Alviso epitomized to me exactly what a nurse should be.