Raquel Herrera
September 2015
Family Birth Place
Valley View Hospital
Glenwood Springs
United States




Raquel was our nurse for both me and our baby girl after my C-section following a long labor. She was so in tune with us and our needs, anticipating things that we did not even know we needed. Gentle teaching about baby care for us new parents, breastfeeding help and reassurance in the middle of the night, pain medication and the need to get a few hours of sleep after a totally exhausting day. She cared for our baby with such gentleness and love. It was like she was caring for a family member. She was our only nurse the first night but we visited her in the nursery our remaining two nights to check in and say hi and because she genuinely seemed to care about our baby. On one visit we were so overwhelmed with gratitude for her gracious care of our new little family and her reassurance to us as new parents that we were in tears. What a special person you have on staff.