Randy Kesterson
October 2018
Resource Unit
Confluence Health
United States




I have a friend who has been battling cancer and receiving IV chemotherapy periodically for over a year. The very skilled nurses at the Oncology Unit at WVH routinely have had difficulty starting her IVs, sometimes resulting in up to 5 sticks. A plan was developed for her to come to the ER at CWH and have one of our STAT RNs start her IV using their skills and ultrasound available to them. I was working the day before she was scheduled to come in and asked Randy if he would be available the next day to start the IV on my friend. He was and we set up a plan for her to request him. The next day it worked out that Randy was available and he proceeded to make my friend feel very at ease as he checked her arms for available IV sites. After some explanation to her about the reasons for the difficulty in starting IVs on her, he adeptly slipped one in on the first try. There were tears in my friend's eyes and Randy apologized if it hurt, but she said "No". They were tears of gratefulness for obtaining the IV access on the first poke. My friend is one of the strongest women that I know and she was so grateful for Randy's care and skill. Randy is a DAISY Nurse for all that he does to always perform painful IV sticks in a very skilled and caring manner. I am honored to work with him and so very grateful to have his amazing skills available to help me provide the best care for our patients.