Randy Hoover
October 2017
Saint Agnes Medical Center
United States




When patients come to a hospital they can expect a certain level of care and comfort during their stay. What they may not foresee is the level of true commitment, heartfelt consolation, and care they find in the remarkable staff at Saint Agnes. Randy was recognized by a patient who found all of this and more during his stay at Saint Agnes.
"I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to the wonderful staff at Saint Agnes for the remarkable level of care I received from intake to discharge. I can say that Saint Agnes' patient care is among the best I have seen and experienced."
This patient had undergone an extensive surgery. After working at another hospital for 18 years, this patient felt the level of care he received from Randy was admirable.
Randy played a big part in changing the way this patient healed. The patient explains how truly impressed he was.
"During challenging post-op moments, Randy carefully monitored me while also explaining the healing process involved with my procedure in a sensitive, thoughtful, and courteous manner which greatly eased my anxiety and concerns."
Randy's genuine concern and care not only impacted the patient while he was at Saint Agnes, but has stayed with him several weeks after the procedure.
"I am feeling healthy and beginning to thrive with much vitality. Saint Agnes was a major component of this."