Philomina Valley
October 2018
Cardiac Diagnostics
Orlando Regional Medical Center
United States




Over three weeks ago I was hospitalized at OHI for my out of control afib. Long story short, I had to undergo a cardioversion followed by another one a few days later. Philomina Valley was on duty in the EP unit the day of my first procedure. Sensing my anxiety while I waited to be sedated, her soothing voice and caring words had a profound impact on me. Her spirituality was especially evident as she prayed with me and for me. She helped me relax before the procedure and after it was over, assured me that everything had gone well during the cardioversion and in the same calming voice and with grateful prayers from both of us.
Although Philomina was not on the schedule in my area for the second procedure, she stopped by the recovery room to see how I was doing. Our encounters were brief but I believe Philomina embodies all seven letters in the word PETALS; she helped to calm me, showed passion and compassion for me, empathy, gained my trust, had admirable attributes, a love for nursing and was selfless in my time of need. I truly believe there are angels among us and that Philomina is one of them.