NCCU Team (left to right) Jessica Newson Wilkinson, Jodie VanVliet, Charlette Natale, Ryan Neder, Rachel Doornenbal, Jennifer Bellantyne, Stephanie Hoger, Lilly Membreno, Rylee Gonzales, Tony Linn, Susan Ybarra, Diana Kerr
December 2015
RNs and more
Doctors Medical Center of Modesto
United States




As a reminder - I was the friend (and doctor) who flew up the first day that LN was hospitalized the end of September this year, and brought her mother and daughter with me. LN and her family had been camping in Yosemite, when she suffered a spontaneous brain hemorrhage.
We knew when we came to the hospital that LN would not be able to survive the massive brain bleed she suffered. However, we were hoping the information we had received was not true, for her sake and for her husband, and her 4 young children.
I will always remember you and your staff, for your kindness, compassion and unbelievable generosity. All of you showered the family and friends with love and support during a very, very difficult and emotional time. I entered medical school in 1991, and have witnessed many acts of compassion and kindness by health care providers - after all, most of us entered this field because we like to help others in need, but you and your staff went beyond anything I've ever seen before in your absolutely spontaneous outpouring of support. You treated us like one of your friends or loved ones, and that made all the difference.
Please pass this message on to Rachel and the other nurses who took care of LN. Thank you all for your unbelievable kindness and for being such strong and caring advocates for LN's extended family. You provided information and took excellent care of her, but it was in the many other details… like preparing her for her kids to visit her by moving all her IV's to one arm, dressing her in her own t-shirt and covering the monitors with sheets… where you showed your true professionalism and love for your patient. I am so grateful to each and every one of you, and I hope all of you continue in your profession for many years to come, as surely there will be more LN's and more families to be cared for and comforted.
These Team Members were honored with this DAISY Award:

Kyle Harker, RN
Ryan Neder, RN
Sophie Phann-Yin, RN
Jennifer Ballantyne, RN
Christina Boddy, RN
Jessica Davis, RN
Rachel Graham, RN
Angela Costa, RN
Stephanie Hogan, RN
Kathleen Kolze-Butler, RN
Aileen Flores-Mallari, RN
Lily Membreno, RN
Elena Mulligan, RN
Jodie White, RN
Shari Craig, RN
Elizabeth Griffin, RN
Kim Lounsbury, RN
Jessica Newsom-Wilkinson, RN
Lindsay Oliveira, RN
Travis Sanborn, RN
Ester Hapin, RN
Shelly James, RN
Charlotte Natale, RN
Lindsay Shepherd, RN
Kelli Ashby, RN
Rachel Doornenbal, RN
Amanda Aikawa, RN
Jorgelyn Baal, RN
Charleyne Khamasi-Soomalan, RN
Alyssa Skiles, RN
Michelle Ortega, RN
Tracee Reyes, RN
Rylee Gonzales, RN
Jodie VanVliet, RN
Diana Kerr, RN
Susan Ybarra, RN
Ashley Hennemuth, RN
Nicole Fisher, RN
Tony Linn, RN