Libby Flippo, Beth Hawn, Naomi Valderrama Salazar
August 2014
Valderrama Salazar
Labor and Delivery
Martin Health System
United States




Recently the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) had a very critical baby born. We also had a full census with just two RN's working. Naomi was floated in to help and when the critical baby arrived, we had to do 1:1 care with him for almost an entire shift. Naomi stepped up and ran the unit with the other NICU nurse; she took a full assignment of babies plus helped me make phone calls and ran for supplies. Many post partum nurses are scared or nervous of our NICU babies but Naomi stepped up and did an AMAZING job on a unit she was not familiar with; we couldn't have made it that day without her support.

Naomi deserves the DAISY Award for her hard work, dedication and flexibility; truly going above and beyond, all while maintaining a cheerful and helpful attitude.