Michelle Leigh
March 2014
IV Therapy
Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center
Oregon City
United States




Michelle made sure that an outpatient PICC placement, previously rescheduled due to miscommunication, went perfectly for the patient the next day. This is how she made it happen:

Michelle ensured that Admitting knew who the patient was prior to her arriving and waited for her personally. Although the patient was visibly nervous about what was happening, she and her spouse showed little sign of real frustration from the events of Friday.

Michelle spoke to them about what happened, apologized for the unfortunate event, assured them it was not something that had happened before, and we would do everything possible to make certain that it did not happen again.

Michelle spent 45 minutes with the patient and her spouse discussing the PICC procedure, but this lead to the patient expressing her deep anxiety regarding her recent diagnosis and fears about all that she was about to face. Michelle found out that not much has gone "according to plan" since it all came to light and the events of Friday were just one more thing to add to that list, so the patient was getting fairly disillusioned about her outcomes and recovery.

The patient said that Michelle was the first person to offer her reassurance that it is okay to find a reason to smile and live even though she was facing something scary and overwhelming. She was still here now and this is what is important to have faith in. She said Michelle was the first person who offered a possible positive outlook on the situation.