Michael Turgeon
September 2016
Carolinas HealthCare System University
United States




My daughter has severe autism and had to have outpatient surgery. Michael was extremely patient with my daughter and explained everything to us and took extra time to talk with the anesthesiologist about our concerns regarding her previous reaction to a medication used and the side effects from it. He understood and got her the oral pre-operation medications so that we could avoid "the dart" because of how traumatizing it was for her. My daughter was able to go to the OR peacefully for the first time ever thanks to the care of Michael and also the other nurses. He has a quote under his photo in the PreOp waiting area that states, "nursing means the ability to take care of others the way I would like to be cared for." If everyone felt this way, the world would be a much better place. We are very grateful to Michael for his compassionate care of our special daughter.