Michael Barton
December 2020
Madigan Army Medical Center




SPC Barton was quick to establish a strong rapport with A and helped him to understand how to best manage his pain.
I have been in many medical facilities over the years and interacted with countless medical team members. I have never encountered such great care as we did with SPC Michael Barton. He went above and beyond in his efforts to ensure that A understood what was going on with every step of his care. He was wonderful, ensuring A's needs were met. He was quick to establish a strong rapport with A and helped him to understand how to best manage his pain. I know other wonderful team members have also helped A, but Michael stood out.
I have been a Police Chief for 14 years. I recognize outstanding public service when I see it. I definitely see it at Madigan and particularly on 2 South. Please extend my sincere appreciation to your team for the great work they are doing.