Meifen Chen
April 2017
612E Oncology Medical Unit
Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province




My father forever left me for the other world that has no pain or disease. I grieved over his death, but I had to say my parents and I felt the warmth of family while my dad was in this hospital-SRRSH. My parents divorced and I have lived with my mother since I was little. Although they were not close, my mom came to take care of my dad when he was ill. We knew his time was running out as he began to spit blood again. SRRSH nurses, especially Chen Meifen, helped us a lot.
Meifen took care of my dad with all her heart. She did assessments, encouraged and helped my dad to turn over in bed to prevent a pressure ulcer. She also did all she could to keep him comfortable and to prepare us for the future. She suggested that we communicate with dad and help fulfill his last wishes. When the time came, we three hugged and said goodbye in peace.
After that, Meifen did the postmortem care and my dad looked like he had just fallen asleep. She also called funeral service for us as we were at a loss as to what to do. Suddenly, my dad's brothers came and intimidated us because of family conflict. Meifen took my mom and me to another room and volunteered to talk with my uncles. She had to call Security before the situation got worse.
As the only child, my parents' divorce, dad's death, and family conflict had already filled my heart with scars. It was Meifen who acted as my older sister taking me through the darkness! Thank you so much, dear Meifen!