Meghan Toney
May 2019
Emergency Room
Baptist Health Care
United States




Meghan Toney was nominated by a security guard at our facility who was present in a patient room while Meghan was caring for the patient. As the security guard observed the interaction between Meghan and the patient, he was sincerely touched by Meghan's genuine concern for this person and by the manner with which she provided compassionate care to a patient experiencing a significant crisis with thoughts of self-harm. In the nomination letter, the security guard explained how Meghan spent time talking with and listening to the patient, holding his hand, and helping him to see his importance and value as a human being.
"Meghan made an impact on me for making this man aware that he was still needed here. Meghan sees so many people that she never knows what happens to them when they leave the ER. I am proud to say that the man is still here today because of Meghan."
The security guard has shared that he has seen this man after the hospital visit, and he noted that Meghan is the reason the gentleman is still here today.