December 2015
Mary Lyn
Pediatric Resource Pool
Randall Children's Hospital at Legacy Emanuel
United States




This morning, we admitted J, a submersion injury with cardiorespiratory arrest. There was the usual controlled chaos in getting this extremely sick child stabilized. During the peri-code, I looked to the left and noted Mary Lyn (who had a different patient) sitting on the couch with the patient's mom explaining everything that was going on. She took the initiative to be a supportive presence to this mom who had gone through a big trauma and whose child was dying. I would never have thought to ask someone to sit and explain things to the mom as we were actively stabilizing this child. Mary Lyn played a large role in gaining the initial trust with this family and helping them through a difficult time. Her actions will be forever remembered by this family in a positive light. Thank you, Mary Lyn, for making a huge difference in this situation and for this family. I know you will forever be remembered by this family for your kindness. And you not only helped this family but helped your team. Thank you!