Mary Ellen Miller
July 2019
Hospital Care Coordinator
St. Anthony's Hospital
St. Petersburg
United States




Our unit has a patient who has been with us for 80 days. Sadly, he is in need of placement, it has been difficult to find someone who will accept him because of some past issues. He was admitted to our hospital in very poor condition, homeless, and clothing completely soiled and in need of destroying. Over the past 80 days, the patient has shown major improvement in his health but remains homeless with no personal belongings.
During this period of time, Mary Ellen has gone many extra miles to help this gentleman, from researching and finding things he was missing to frequent visits to his room as a display of much-needed friendship he deserved as a human being. This week she extended her kindness even more as our patient's birthday approached. She took the liberty of organizing a surprise party for him. She supplied a beautiful birthday cake, new clothing, and tennis shoes, all at her own expense. She then gathered the staff and led us in singing Happy Birthday to our patient.
All of this resulted in the patient breaking down in tears of joy for being thought of. He went on saying, "No one has done this for me in over 20 years." It was with all this that each and every one of us was reminded of our purpose in healthcare. It was her act of kindness that created a day making one lonely man feel he had a place in society.