Mary Babula
August 2020
5 West IMCU
Chilton Medical Center
Pompton Plains
United States




In the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic at Chilton Medical Center, Mary was able to finish her BSN degree while picking up extra shifts and showing up every day to combat this unseen enemy. Our unit was the designated COVID unit and the staff was quickly trained to care for ICU patients. Mary often served as charge nurse, helping staff get through some very difficult days.
During this pandemic, the infectious disease doctors were on our floor most of the day, exhausted and feeling defeated. The mother of one of the ID doctors was living in Brooklyn and became ill with COVID-19 and he had her transported to Chilton Medical Center so he could be there for his mom without sacrificing care for his patients. Unfortunately, his mom succumbed to the disease. Being the compassionate person she is, Mary purchased a tree and a beautiful plaque for the doctor to place in his yard as a remembrance of his mom. Mary did not ask for any monetary donations but some team members contributed.
Mary presented the gifts to the doctor from all of us, never taking credit for this most compassionate deed. Mary also brought in medals for the staff to pin on their uniforms because she thought we could all use the extra protection. Regardless of religious beliefs - everyone wore one.
A Flag was placed in the "Field of Heroes" in Jefferson, NJ to honor her bravery during COVID-19.
For her patients - Mary set up daily FaceTime/Zoom meetings for families to communicate with their loved ones. She routinely called patients' families to keep them up to date. Mary has received many cards and letters for her "Extraordinary Caring".