Mark Heisohn
September 2013
General Medicine Unit
St. Louis Children's Hospital
St. Louis
United States




Mark is one of the most genuine people I know. When working a weekend shift with him recently he made a tremendous difference in the outcome of my day by lending me a helping hand. I had a patient two days in a row who had an increased level of care, required a sitter, and was combative at times. Mark and I shared an experience with this patient and patient's mother; we both became a little emotionally invested. On the second day of me caring for this patient Mark could tell I was emotionally exhausted. He constantly asked me if I needed help which is not out of the ordinary for Mark. While helping me in the patient's room I mentioned to him that the mom needed a break. He took it upon himself to say, "Mom, put your shoes on, lets go to the garden; just me and you." I think we all sighed a breath of relief in that moment and that was one of the first moments in two days of caring for this patient that I saw the patient's mother smile. They went out to the garden. I thanked Mark but I didn't feel like that was enough so I am writing this to say again; thank you for caring and being such a great nurse and consistent advocate for patient's and families.

He went above and beyond care by taking the patient's mother to the garden at a time when she needed support the most.