Lori Schick Schneider
March 2017
Pediatric Neurology
Connecticut Children's Medical Center
United States




Lori consistently takes the time to consider the family, the medical personnel, and the school and how these pieces work together.
Lori has connected with so many of our families. I would like to describe a situation, which is just one of many, that demonstrates that she meets all of the criteria for this award. Lori was on the phone with the school nurse of a neurology patient for over 30 minutes educating the nurse about the patient and how to deal with her episodes in school, describing how to counsel the patient through a non-epileptic event, what techniques to use, and how to recognize the difference between epileptic and nonepileptic events in this patient. She advocated for this patient's proper full inclusion in school, troubleshooting barriers and ways to work around them, like how they can navigate the school lunch setting keeping in mind the social implications for this teenage girl. Lori had an amazing amount of patience, compassion, and expertise. She also took into concern the school nurse's own needs and counseled her professionally. If it wasn't against HIPPA, this call should be used for training. Amazing. This isn't the only example, but I was just blown away by this particular phone call.
Lori consistently takes the time to consider the family, the medical personnel, and the school and how these pieces work together. She is always working to make sure the families and patient have what they need both within the medical system and for care at home.