April 2009
IU Health Adult Academic Health Center
United States




Lori Moss was nominated for this award by her Clincial Manger, Jackie Storm who said: :Lori is creative, flexible, calm, focused - everything the ultimate nurse is. She is a strong patient advocate and her picture should be under the definition of "team player".
Lori's skills were noticed by many and an anesthesia nurse at IU Hopital had specifically requested Lori to be the nurse to care for her father after his surgery. When he was brought to the PACU, Lori immediatley sensed something was wrong, stating, "I don't like his heart rate". Lori's instincts proved correct. After sending the patient back to the OR, it was discovered that he was bleeding. It was Lori's uncanny nursing sense, in all likelihood, that possibly saved the life of a fellow nurse's father.