Liz Potter
August 2019
UNC REX Healthcare
United States




I came to Rex with a bad infection and worried about my children. Liz has been kindness itself, talking to me about my kids, my faith and my hobbies. Cheering me up and helping me focus on all the blessings in my life and making things easier. This may sound like small, simple things and maybe not considered worthy of nomination, but it is the small simple blessings that can fill even the worst days with enough drops of light to remind us that our troubles are but temporary most of the time. Liz's small talk was such a blessing to me in that regard.
While everyone was amazing, there are a few people who stand out. Liz, who was my nurse for the first two days, was simply amazing. She did more than just take expert gentle care of my pain and needs. She took the time to talk to me about my kids, my faith, my hobbies. It helped anchor me to my normal life and remind me of my blessings. She was the first to make me feel like a friend and not just a patient. My stay would not have been as cheerful without her friendship and simple chat.