Lisa Davis
August 2019
Glens Falls Hospital
Glens Falls
United States




I delivered a baby boy at the Glens Falls Hospital Snuggery. From the moment Lisa was assigned to me when her shift started at 7 am, she was extremely committed to providing me with the highest level of care. From the hours before labor contractions began, to standing by my side during the intensity of active labor, she did not waver in her steadfast attention and dedication to me.
Labor, unfortunately, did not go smoothly. My baby's heart rate dropped when he was in the birth canal as a result of the umbilical cord being wrapped around his neck and body, which of course is a sign that he may not be receiving the oxygen he needs, and that time is limited. The panic on my midwife's face as she called in the doctor was palpable. More nurses rushed into the room to help while we waited for the doctor. An oxygen mask was placed over my head. I was petrified and couldn't speak or cry. All the while, I could hear the all-too-slow beating of my baby's heart rate. All the commotion and activity in the room was a blur. Even my husband faded into the background.
The only person I focused on was Lisa. She remained calm, deliberate and laser-focused on me. She sat on the bed and started to swiftly move my legs and body in different positions. And suddenly, I could hear the little heartbeat quicken on the monitor. Anytime it slowed while we waited for the doctor to arrive, Lisa speedily moved my positioning to help it return. The relief I felt each time that heartbeat accelerated is indescribable.
Finally, the doctor arrived, and I delivered a healthy baby boy. As I laid on the bed with my baby in my arms crying with relief, Lisa bent over to cup my head in her hands with tears in her own eyes and kissed me on my cheek. If that isn't a demonstration of authentic live and care from a nurse to a patient, I don't know what is. I am confident that Lisa saved my baby that day, and I will be forever grateful.