Linglingay Tolentino
May 2018
Emergency Department
Saint Barnabas Medical Center
United States




Miss Tolentino has been an outstanding role model for the Emergency Department. She does not hesitate to put on gloves and take on an assignment. She can choose to stay put in her office but most of the time, she helps with expediting patient care. These winter months have been truly challenging to the department due to volume and acuity, and it is an extraordinary relief to have her help.
She encourages staff to have open dialogues with management and among each other. She exhibits trust in her staff by being open to suggestions, comments, and criticisms. After she receives these suggestions, she then steers the team to formulate solutions that will work for the department. She listens to facts and both sides of the story, then cordially and professionally makes suggestions rather than stern instructions and I believe that is why the department staff members respect and trust her.
She is proactive in boosting employee morale. She acknowledges and proudly announces staff achievements both academically and professionally i.e. certifications, awards, achievements and patients' and corporate's positive feedback.
Miss Tolentino always pushes the ED Nursing staff to further their education. She is a big advocate for hands-on training, community outreach, certifications, and achieving MSN and BSN. This is how she promotes the image of nursing. As we move towards Magnet status, I think that this is an essential part of enhancing the image of the nursing profession.
Of the few managers that I have encountered, Miss Tolentino is one of those who makes rounds just to chat with staff, to laugh with staff, to eat with staff. She takes time to know us and allows us time to know her.