August 2011
Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital




I walked into the emergency room feeling complete terror. My husband of 34 years just had a stroke right in front of my eyes. After calling 911, the paramedics arrived at our house and rushed him to Good Samaritan Hospital. After being admitted and receiving initial treatment and evaluation, we began to experience the understanding and compassion of the nurses in the emergency room (ER). All of the ED staff working that day were wonderful to us. After noticing the state that I was in, Lindsay, one of the ED nurses working that day, came over and gave me a hug. As Lindsay and others cared for my husband and continued to show me compassion and give me hugs, my terror began to turn into hope.

After the initial admission, with complete paralysis of the right side, my husband received the TPA shot. The paralysis caused by the stroke began to dissipate almost immediately after the TPA shot was administered. I was then told that we were encouraged to transfer to Central DuPage Hospital (CDH), where there was a special ICU area for patients with neurological issues. Despite this, I felt hesitant to leave Good Sam, because it felt safe. Again, I began to feel the fear at the prospect of leaving the place and people that had helped to save my husband. Upon seeing my discomfort, Lindsay came over to me and offered to ride with us and stay with us until we were once again in a safe place. I heard one of the ED staff mention that her shift had already ended. Despite this, Lindsay stayed with us and helped me and my husband during our journey from Good Sam to CDH. She rode in the ambulance with us, and helped the Central DuPage Paramedics care for my husband. Lindsay stayed at the hospital until my husband was admitted to his room in ICU. Having a familiar and caring face brought much comfort to both of us.

Before Lindsay left for the day, I received a final reassuring hug. Neither of us will ever forget Lindsay's care, compassion and excellence. Her smiling, reassuring face will always be embedded in our minds.