Liliam Acosta
May 2020
Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Unit
Loma Linda University Children's Hospital




Liliam did an amazing job implementing emergency interventions then giving a quick report to the code team. She remained calm, worked quickly, and gave the patient the exact care she needed.
Liliam and I admitted a patient from the ED at the beginning of the shift. Throughout the day the patient required a lot of close monitoring and many interventions. The patient's family was very uneasy and needed a lot of reassurance. At 1930, the patient seized and a rapid response then a code white was called. The family was yelling and screaming while everyone was trying to care for the patient. Liliam did an amazing job implementing emergency interventions then giving a quick report to the code team. She assisted the team and helped stabilize the patient. She remained calm, worked quickly, and gave the patient the exact care she needed. The next day, Liliam took the time to sit with me and go over every detail of the code. We talked about all of the events leading up to it, the code itself, and how the patient was currently doing. I was able to ask all my questions about the situation. She really helped me to understand the whole situation. I felt so much more confident after our conversation. Instead of being scared to have another code happen, I felt so much more prepared on what my role as the bedside RN would be. Liliam was so kind and took such good care of the patient while also taking great care of her resident! I am so thankful to have had that experience with Liliam. I know that I will be a better nurse because of her.