LeAnn Kendall
May 2018
Periop Pre/Post Care
Sentara RMH Medical Center
United States




My father had open heart surgery and was admitted again for an infection. He was a little grumpy and LeAnn was very patient with him and did everything she could to lift his spirits. He thought he was going to have to stay again for the 3rd time; he was talking about how hungry he was and how much he liked roast beef and cheddar from Arby's. She told him she liked them too and if he had to stay she would buy them one and have lunch together. Thank God he got to go home. I went outside while they were getting him ready, come back and he had 5 dollars laying on his lap. I asked where it came from and he said, "that wonderful nurse gave it to me to get my beef and cheddar". I had tears because she cared enough to make sure he got what he wanted. I went with tears in my eyes to tell her thanks and God bless her. LeAnn is a wonderful person. My father is 69 years old and she was great with him and us. I can't thank her enough!