Lawrence Rochino
March 2015
LAC+USC Medical Center
Los Angeles
United States




Lawrence began county service as a new nurse in the OR Program in 2003. He successfully completed the program and was assigned to OR 15000 (Ortho, Trauma, and ENT). Lawrence is a positive role model for others and a welcomed addition to the OR staff. He is very helpful and cooperative; when assigned with less experience personnel he is supportive and willing to share his knowledge. He has extensive knowledge of Ortho procedures and equipment, and often is able to provide sound knowledge and technical advice, in a non-judgmental and nondiscriminatory manner. He is always courteous and respectful with his patients and their families, and also with his coworkers. In caring for his patient's, he respects their rights, privacy and ensures their safety and security. He is a valuedemployee, well-liked, and respected by his co-workers.
Congratulations Lawrence on receiving the DAISY Award! We are all very proud of you!
I am impressed with the quality of medical and nursing staff at the hospital and want to again point out some standout staff. Surgery can be an extremely anxiety provoking experience for most, and it was for me. The idea of a 4-hour spinal surgery left me very nervous, even though I completely trusted my doctor. I was very grateful to the student Nurse Anesthetist and her supervisor for the amount of time they took to answer my questions and address my concerns. The person who helped me the most during my time awake in the OR was a nurse named Lawrence, who was incredibly kind, stood at my bedside, and talked me through the process while we waited for the surgical team to arrive. He even put some Patsy Cline music on the loudspeaker to calm my nerves. Lawrence is a gifted nurse and he was my favorite person in the OR that day.