Laurent Ng
May 2018
Presence Saint Francis Hospital
United States




Laurent is passionate; I mean this guy really likes his job. He knows how to talk to agitated patients in a way that they understand; usually in most cases, he can calm the patient without calling for Security reinforcement. His tone of voice when speaking with the patient is professional, smooth and his speech is clear using words the patient understands.
He always shows empathy towards the patient. He always asks the patient if they understand.
Laurent always works with all the patients on the unit even if they are not assigned to him. He steps up and does whatever is needed for the patient, from patient care, (bathing, changing, repositioning), to drawing blood when other nurses have a hard time.
When Laurent is in charge he is always fair, when assigning new admits to the nurses and PCTs he always asks us individually if we need help with anything.
Laurent loves his job! It is obvious.
Laurent is selfless. He always tries his best to make sure no one on the team is overwhelmed by volunteering to help out.