Laura Rogers
April 2018
Travel Nurse
Travel Nurse Across America
North Little Rock
United States




I don't know how to adequately thank someone for saving your life. "Thank you" doesn't quite cover it. "You were just doing your job" seems lame. However, both are just the right ticket. I would not be here without you.
My family and I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We are eternally grateful to you and will never, ever forget you. God placed you next to me as his angel to watch over me. I truly believe that.
Your quick thinking and training kicked into gear all while remaining calm. When we finally met when you came to my room I saw a great glow within you and your smile showed how much you love your work.
I want everyone to know how much you are appreciated and you have a new adopted family for life. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers.