April 2017
UPMC Presbyterian
United States




Latasha Kast 6F/G has every quality that I someday hope to have as a nurse. She is intelligent, organized, not afraid to speak her mind and stand up for herself, driven, hardworking and a true patient advocate. Since I started on 6F/G a year and a half ago, Latasha has been my go-to person for any questions I may have. Even if she does not know the answer, she finds out and gets back to me as soon as she can. She works 100% by the book, which inspires me to be a better nurse in my own practice. If I have questions about a protocol, I know exactly where to find it. One of Latasha's best qualities is that she is not afraid to stand up for herself or her patient if she does not agree with the plan of care. Most people on the unit agree that we would want her to be our nurse if we were ever in the hospital because we know that she would follow the protocols and procedures and speak up for us in times of need. During nurse handoff report, she keeps everyone accountable so that the patient receives the best care possible. It can be intimidating to give her report, but it also inspires you to give the most elite treatment to your patients. Since January, she has been the PPC chair for our unit and has put an immense amount of work into making our unit a better place to work. I considered the same position and am thankful that she took over the daunting task. I could not compete with everything she has done. I do not know where she finds the time! She manages multiple projects and bulletin boards and keeps up with them monthly to offer the unit the most recent updates and information. One board that she started posts fun facts and comments about 5 coworkers each month so that we can see what others have to say about us, and learn about each other. She has also created a committee so that our unit can apply for the Beacon Award. It was started a few years ago, but now we are coming together to make it happen. This could not have occurred without Latasha. Not only that, her organization skills are amazing. Everything is color coded and spelled out perfectly. I poke fun at her for it, but it truly is a sight to see. One of my fondest memories of her is when I complained to her about not remembering how to set up CRRT because my class was months prior and I had not yet had a patient with it. That day, her PRISMA set had gone down multiple times, so she pulled me aside and asked if I wanted her to go through it with me. I was excited that she would take time out of her hectic day to teach me. It took an hour for us to take the set down and put the new set up. After that, I felt like an expert. I told her that she should teach the class because I learned so much more from her. I am very grateful that Latasha is a nurse on my unit. I consider her both a role model and friend. I hope that we can continue to work together and make 6F/G a better place.