Kylea Anderson
August 2018
Emergency Department
East Tennessee Children's Hospital
United States




There are many examples I could give as to why Kylea is a DAISY Nurse, but I will give the two most recent that pushed me to write this today. I had a patient who came in extremely dehydrated and super sick. The patient had to get stuck multiple times in attempt to get IV access, the parents, of course, were very upset and worried about their child. Kylea explained the reasoning we were sticking their child so much in terms that the parents could understand and it really seemed to calm them down. She explained everything we were doing and kept the parents involved in everything we did. Kylea kept her calm nature through the whole situation and I know that is why the parents were able to stay as calm as they were.
The 2nd story is about the worst day I've ever had in the ER. We had a phone call come in from EMS that they were bringing 2 "near drowning" children in to us and would be here in 20 minutes from the scene, CPR in progress on both. Kylea immediately jumped into action. She assigned code teams to both code rooms, called everyone she could think of to come help and be support and extra hands. She had the chaplains, RT, Lab, x-ray, social work, even the "B team" from the education department! (What they called themselves, not what I think!) By the time the children arrived both code rooms were ready and we were able to give the absolute best care we could and do everything we could to save these children's lives because Kylea prepared us all with the best teams possible! During the 2 codes, Kylea ran back and forth between both rooms checking on everyone and doing whatever needed to be done. In addition to checking on all the staff, she was there for the parents. She spoke to the parents in a calm and understanding way even when they were completely hysterical. After the codes, Kylea made sure all the staff had time to "take a minute" as she said and decompress from what we had just been through. She even had Farley come to visit us all and help lift our spirits! Through the entire, horrible event Kylea kept her cool, helped everyone, and made the whole situation a little bit easier to bear. Kylea is a wonderful nurse and I am blessed to get to work alongside her. When I see Kylea is here, I know it's probably going to be a crazy day, but I also know that no matter what, we can handle it with her in charge! (And I also know that Farley will probably be coming on the unit at some point!)